Our Guarantee
Who We Are
A selected variety of high-quality pets are available at Petla Pug Puppies, a speciality store. Petla Pug Puppies focuses on healthy adorable and very friendly pups that are carefully grown to meld with your compassion. Petla Pug Puppies offers great canine companions in both its physical and web stores.
Petla Pug Puppies creates a very warm and happy environment for these pups so that you get the reared pet for your home. The Petla Pug Puppies brand is created to give love to our puppies which they spread over to their owners and give a memorable companionship of a lifetime. All our baby pups are reared justifying the medical standards of health in the US and abroad.

We will always put our customers before profit.

Our Impact
Our dedication to our clients and rescue partners is the source of our impact. As our resources permit, we promise to support animal rescue initiatives by holding in-store adoption events and fundraisers and making donations. We individually pledge to support disadvantaged animals and create an impact to protect those in need however we can.
Mission & Promise
Our goal is to offer a carefully chosen cute, friendly and happy pup available, prioritizing their health, compatibility and overall nourishment.
We promise to provide you with a wide range of cute, loving and engaging baby pups with our beloved dogs in mind. Not a single pup in our stores is sick, dangerous or avoidable as we make sure to grow them well.